Politics Of The Season

Politics of the seasonI’ve followed politics for a long time now and I’ve never seen anything like the confusion I’m viewing in today’s political venue. Tis’ the season to be jolly. That’s it!  Maybe if they sing along with one another or listen to each other’s desired brand of music. Maybe then they could find a way to open up their hearts and minds to one another, because I’m sure they really can’t be so stupid. They’re playing with people’s lives and on top of that, they’re ruining the spiritual togetherness of the season, but I guess that’s just the politics of the season.

Aren’t they supposed to be the ones who show us the right example of working together, because we did send them to Washington to represent us, right?  This season of politics isn’t created with joy, spirituality or respect for mankind. If they won’t sing; joy to the world, together, maybe they can try to let the peoples; freedom ring.

Please keep your hope alive,
